That’s what I do

Feb 5, 2012   //   by Hameed   //   Children in Conflict, culture, Human Rights, photos, Women in Conflict  //  2 Comments

I was in Dara-e-Noor, a dis­trict far to the north of Jalal­abad city. My team mem­bers and I were there for a map­ping sur­vey for which talk­ing with a local res­i­dent helped us make bet­ter and more accu­rate maps for any giv­en area.

Here, we ran into Baghcha Gul. We were talk­ing about the vil­lage and names of the roads, pub­lic build­ings, etc. and my col­league, Akbar asked this ran­dom ques­tion: “How many chil­dren do you have?” “I have only one son”, Baghcha Gul answered.
Then Akbar asked again, “What do you do, Mama?”
He said, “that’s what I do.”
Akbar: What?
Baghcha Gul: Mak­ing babies.

Lat­er, we found out that the man had 10 chil­dren: Nine girls and one boy. Some peo­ple, espe­cial­ly in rur­al areas of Afghanistan , shy away talk­ing about female mem­bers of their family.

