The Irrepressible Pashtun Sense of Humor

Feb 4, 2012   //   by Hameed   //   culture, links, Pashto Proverbs, Poverty, Tea with a Wise Afghan Man  //  No Comments

Pash­tuns like to have a very loose sched­ule. We spend a lot of time trad­ing jokes with oth­er ‘com­rades’, espe­cial­ly if there is green tea and a nice lit­tle Hujra(guest room). No mat­ter how sad or trou­bled we are, we make fun of the mis­ery and laugh about it.

Inter­est­ing read in Dawn: The Irre­press­ible Sense of Humor of the Pashtoons

Part of the article:

‘Where is Com­rade Amin, our first Social­ist Leader?’
‘He’s dead, Comrade.’

‘And where, Com­rade Infor­ma­tion offi­cer is Com­rade Tari­ki, our sec­ond Social­ist Leader?’
‘He’s dead, too, Comrade.’

‘And our fra­ter­nal Russ­ian KGB Chief, Gen­er­al Vik­tor Paputin?’
‘Dead. But why are you ask­ing all these questions?’

‘Because, Com­rade, I do so enjoy hear­ing the answers.’

